Why do I need to register?

The majority of our data is available to download and use freely (subject to relevant licensing terms and conditions).

We ask you to register and login to access some of our services:

  • If you are depositing data, we ask that you login to ensure the data you send to us is provided securely
  • Some of the data downloads we provide need to be processed and emailed to you. Therefore we need you to login so we know who to send the data to.
  • For a small number of datasets we make available, we need to record who has agreed a data licence.  We ask you to login to access these data so we can record your details alongside copies of any of the licences you agree

Any personal information you provide will be used only for the purposes of providing data, for keeping you informed of changes/issues relating to the data or associated services and for administration of the web server.

See our Privacy Policy for more information