Terms and Conditions of use for UKWIR data

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This resource is available under the Creative Commons Attribution International Public License

The data is held by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) on behalf of UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR). Ownership of the data and all rights subsisting in the data, including copyright, database rights and rights to apply for patents or any other intellectual property rights, rests with UKWIR, unless otherwise stated. Your use of information provided by NERC is at your own risk. Please read any warnings given about the limitations of the information.

You must always use the following attribution statement to acknowledge the source of the information:

Based upon [insert dataset name] © Copyright and Database right UKWIR. Data supplied by Natural Environment Research Council.

You must include any copyright notice identified in the metadata record for the data on all copies of the data, publications and reports, including but not limited to, use in presentations to any audience.

You will ensure that citation of any relevant key publications and Digital Object Identifiers identified in the metadata record for the data are included in full in the reference list of any reports or publications that describe any research in which the data have been used.